Leia Feature Freeze

I hope DevCon was productive for you. I'm sure the team discussed what was going to make it into 18.0, and a rough timelline for feature freeze, betas, and RC. Do you think you will get some new RP features in before the freeze? Or are you already in bugfix mode for the numerous features you've already implemented?
(2017-11-06, 17:45)MrTarantula Wrote: @garbear,

I hope DevCon was productive for you. I'm sure the team discussed what was going to make it into 18.0, and a rough timelline for feature freeze, betas, and RC. Do you think you will get some new RP features in before the freeze? Or are you already in bugfix mode for the numerous features you've already implemented?

One thing we discussed was the need for a feature freeze. The code is in much better shape now, and it seems that auxiliary breakage is becoming more rare. The freeze for this release will probably be short, and if it interferes with a new feature I've written I'll just ask the Release Manager to push the release back a few weeks for additional testing.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

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