How to split by source widgets "episodes" (between SHOW TV and ANIMES.)
Hi, First thanks for this marvelous skin.
I ask some help to understand how to manage widgets management in order to use them by source.
My hardware: Shield TV android + Addon plexkodiconnect with server on NAS Synology.
So I create videos Nodes to split the TV show from an another source called ANIMES/MANGAS.
My problem is that using “Next Episodes” and “episode in progress” widgets, the TV show and Animes still are mixed.
My goal would be to split them according the source video nodes created to only show the “next episodes” and “episodes in progress” by source without any mix between sources.
I heard about smart widgets which may be the solution used by the TITAN SKIN but I’m unable to use or understand them.
Could someone please help me to manage to organize widgets episodes by source ?
Thanks regards
Have you tried

You could create a playlist called "Anime" then set the Widget to display the playlist.
Depending on what you are trying to achieve, I am not sure if video nodes will work. While you can have them as source, you won't be able to have the corresponding images for that.
I have a somewhat similar setup, and i use smart playlists for that, this way you can almost completely recreate the functionality you describe.
However you need to have playlists for every view you want, because afaik the skinhelper script involved just takes standard library nodes hard wired.
lets say you have a playlist TVshow and a Playlist Anime/manga.
You therefore need to create a playlist TVshow in progress and one Anime Manga in progress (Not sure if you can recreate the next episode view via playlists). You can now add this playlist to titan.If you want to have artwork thumbs for that entry, you now can also select the same playlist for the right artwork.
So I am afraid you have to create a playlist for every view you like before and then add that to titan. Be warned however, Something within Titan or the helper script, (i don't know) is severly broken. If you decide to add a smart playlist later on, it might completely mix up the entries you already made. So best practice would be, create all playlists you need, and then add them to titan and never touch playlists again.
hi thanks but the problem using plexkodiconnect is I have to use video nodes but i's inadvisable using this addon to create source or playlist directly from kodi.
is there an alternative ? thanks
I don't know about plexkodiconnect, so i can't tell much about it. That said, you will be able to recreate that functionality using nodes (but have to create also nodes for tv show in progress and anime in progress as well), however for images you then have to either use static thumbs or use what titan is offering you.
I am not sure though, why playlists wouldn't work, because what they basicly do is (iirc) query the database and group results accordingly.
thanks for your reply,
I will try after work these possibilities but I believe that plexkodiconnect whitch syncronise all my database doesn't like playlist.
I will report feedback  thanks
You can use a smart_playlist with filter by path, considering that you already separate your sources by type.
Image Image
interesting thanks.
but could you please explain me how to proceed ? thanks
(2018-02-08, 18:42)redglory Wrote: You can use a smart_playlist with filter by path, considering that you already separate your sources by type.
 I've been trying this, but not successfully. Anyone succeeded to have a Plex library defined as a path? I have separate libraries in Plex for Movies and Movies-3D. I am using KodiPlexConnect, but fail to create smartplaylist based on only 3D movies. Thoughts appreciated!
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How to split by source widgets "episodes" (between SHOW TV and ANIMES.)0