ITV on Kodi.
I don't know if I am posting in the correct place - please correct me if I am wrong.
My question is :- is there any possibility of having an addon to receive the ITV network, as we have with IPlayerWWW, by Captain T and the team. It would be a great asset.
I understand that there is no possibility of any development for the same with Chanel 4 or 5.
For Live TV, you can get ITV1, Channel4 and Channel5, along with a few other UK channels by using the TV CatchUP addon.
See the below link to download the repository needed:-

But no Catch-Up services/addons available for these same channels AFAIK
Moved to Add-on Requests
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Hi thanks for this - Two things here , 1) I can't get Beardypig repo to work, but I do use TV Catchup using the BludhavenGrayson repo..
2) what I am looking for is genuine catch up services as we have in IPlayer

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