Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How far along is the Windows version?
How much work has been done on the Windows version of XBMC? Is it as far along as the Linux version (which I believe is more or less feature complete but now they are working all the bugs out). Just trying to get an idea.

I'm not sure exactly how complete it is, but I have completely gotten rid of my original Xbox, and have moved away from using XBMC on Linux as well. XBMC on Windows hasn't been completely stable, but pretty close and through a few commands mapped to my remote (Launching Task Manager & ending the selected program), I'm using it as my Media Center exclusively. Ogg Vorbis playback doesn't seem to work in the Windows or Linux builds (that could be fixed by now, but I do not know). That's the only thing keeping it from being nearly perfect for me.

All I can suggest is that you give XBMC on Windows a try - especially if you're not familiar with Linux. Presently, all the Python scripts & plugins I use work fine in Windows, as does the ProjectM music visulization for the most part. Hope this has helped you out at least somewhat.

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How far along is the Windows version?0