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A way to force 1080p24?
Is there any way to make XBMC output in 1080p24? My Vista is set to this and displays in this mode. When I run XBMC it switches to 1080p60 and this is not what I want as 90% of my material is 24fps. I tried to use 0x0, 1920x1080 and 1080p and result is always 1080p60 (max what my LCD is supporting).
Any thoughts?

it works fine here with nvidia gpu, drivers 175.16, xbmc set to 1920x1080, desktop 1080p24 runs fullscreen in 24Hz, 50Hz desktop runs fs 50Hz and 60Hz runs fs 60Hz. Ofc it would be more convient to change refresh rates manually in XBMC or automaticly depending on video's framerate. But win32 is still in early stages and I believe this functionality will come one day.
well... got problems with ATI and 8.4 Catalyst drivers. will dig deeper after returning home...

I don't know how to test it for sure but on my machine I was, too, under the impression that refresh rate for video playback was fixed at 60. I drive my plasma at 48Hz and with Reclock 23.976 playback is silky smooth.

With XBMC I experience heavy judder, whereas setting the screen to 60 gives the usual 3:2 judder, much better than what happens when the refresh rate of the screen is set at 48...

I have an 8800GT, driver 169.13
well. it was f*#% up made by me with the configuration. 1080p24 works fine. HD content looks sweet. But. (always a but, huh? Smile ). I have also some PAL material. They play back jerky on 24Hz as they are 25fps. Of course I can switch to 50Hz but this involves shutting down XBMC and tweaking display settings in windows. My goal is to make my HTPC machine as similar to xbox as possible. My family has no clue about scan rates, fps's and all that stuff. Do you guys have any method automating this? Ideally XBMC could switch refresh rate but I think this is a lot of coding and won't happen soon Smile

after 2 beers later i have silly idea. Maybe XBMC will be able just SLOW DOWN 25fps material to 24fps? I mean audio/video (to avoid desynch). This small change in speed shouldnt be noticeable

How did you get XBMC to not change the refresh rate from 24Hz to 60Hz on start up?

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A way to force 1080p24?0