Adding genre to spotlight into.
I'll try to be brief.

I'm using Krypton and Emminence 2.0 and I'd like to change the spotlight INFO on the main screen. (Please note the typo I made in the subject line. It should say INFO, not INTO.)

Right now at the bottom it gives me YEAR & RATING and the number of votes it has received on IMDB.

What I'd like to do is leave the YEAR and RATING and add the GENRE. (I don't care about the number of votes. I don't really see a great need to know that. Genre would be much more helpful if you ask me.)

I've been using Eminence 2.0 for what feels like forever now, and that is a change I've always wanted to do since day one.

Thanks for any assistance anyone may provide.

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Adding genre to spotlight into.0