Tuner busy when change the channel

Occasionally a problem occurs when I switch between dvb-s2 channels in DVBViewer Client. Kodi shows a warning on the screen like this: "PVR information." Channel could not be played. Check the log for more information. "

The log shows this (when switching between 2 channels):

If I check DVB Media Server I see that the only dvb-s2 tuner in my backend is kept busy even though no channel is playing at that moment. As if it had been caught on the first dvb-s2 channel that I tuned. In fact I can re-select it in Kodi and it continues playing. Even if you switch to an IPTV channel, the dvb-s2 tuner is still busy. The only solution to "release" the tuner is to restart Kodi.


My system is: Windows 7 + Kodi 17.6 + Media Server (legal copy)

Thank you.
First of all: Update your media server. Second: Do you have any curl related advanced settings enabled? Stopping or switching the channel should close the http connection to the DMS backend which also should release the tuner.
Sorry, my DMS is last (
My advancedsettings.xml is:

I´ve deleted my advancedsettings file and problem continues.
You need to debug this yourself. e.g. run wireshark and see if the connection actually get's dropped on channel switch/stop. You might also enable the dvbviewer debug logging and examine the logs on the backend side.
You might also want to try a nightly. But I have no idea why your tuners are not getting released.
Ok, thanks.
I think I'll start uninstalling Media Server completely because I think It's a recent problem.

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Tuner busy when change the channel0