Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v17 WiFi GUI for Kodi
Hello! Is anybody can create a script for KODI which can help to from KODI UI setup Wireless settings? There is no any script on internet to do it. 
The Wi-Fi GUI for KODI will help to connect your raspberry with new and clean respbian or dietpi install and KODI installation only.
Just simply scan available networks and choose what you need, enter password and that's it!
(2018-06-04, 03:23)eralim Wrote: Just simply scan available networks and choose what you need, enter password and that's it!
Oh... Of course, why didn't we think of that before? Smile

Kodi is an application, not an Operation System. So it will use the network engine of the OS it is running in. Meaning, the operating system will have provide a proper network solution, via a GUI or otherwise. However, LibreELEC does have its own GUI solution via its Settings Add-on, only because its minimal Linux basis has no GUI of its own. But normally, the operating system is responsible for network connections.

Also, v17 is no longer developed. All focus is on v18 now.

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