Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Raspberry Pi, Kodi, & OBD Pi
I own a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B that I wish to turn into a media center using Kodi. However, I also wish to use OBD Pi, in order to view my vehicle's diagnostics and "health." Unfortunately, I found that I cannot use both programs on the RPi simultaneously so I began wondering: Is there a way an add on could be created that runs the OBD Pi program? If so, has it already been accomplished? All input is appreciated. Thanks!
Do you really need to do both at the same time?

Wouldn't it be simpler to buy an additional uSD card and set things up so you have Kodi on one and OBD on the other, and swap cards accordingly? Or even just buy another Pi - you'll get better performance from a Pi3 with Kodi than a Pi1 can give you anyway.
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I'm trying to consider all possible options before buying another RPi and SD card. I'm wanting to try to use both. If i can't, I will most likely just use an open source media center of some sort and buy a OBD to USB cable and just connect it to my laptop whenever I wish to monitor my vehicle's "health." I was just thinking it would cheapest, to try and navigate to OBD Pi through Kodi. Since I don't have much funding, I do not believe I will be able to purchase a new RPi and/SD card. Thanks for the input though!

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Raspberry Pi, Kodi, & OBD Pi0