Refresh doesn't download fanart
Whenever I refresh or update my movie library, Kodi doesn't download fanart. How can I force this to happen?
Depends. Do you have, or did you use, nfo files to add the movie into the library?
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Yes, I have .nfo files of the movies. All the movies are in the same directory along with the nfo files.
Ok, then the Kodi Library only knows what is provided in the NFO File.

Open your NFO File for the movie that won't refresh artwork. Are there any links to Artwork in the file? The entry should look like this...

<thumb preview=""></thumb>

Does it exist? If you find entries in that, copy one of the addresses into your web browser and see if it works.

How were the NFO Files created and how old are they?
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Ended up re-installing LibreELEC to make things easier.

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