Custom Widgets Help - Recently Added and In Progress

When I create a widget for either RecentlyAdded or InProgress, they always return the full list of show/movies instead of their respective source.  For example, if I have Kids TV as one home menu item, and TV Shows as another, the widgets display in each section display content from both locations (even though they are separate).

So for example, I would like Kids TV 'in-progress' widget to do something like videodb://inprogresstvshows and only display results from a url such as smb://

Is there a widget that might be able to do what I am describing?  Alternatively, is there a straightforward method of manually tweaking it?  I've tried Skin Helper widgets and the default batch too.

The answer is likely to be very dependent on which skin you're using.  For Estuary there are playlists in the skins folder that determine what shows up with those widgets, so you'd have to create another playlist and then also modify Estuary to have the widget use that playlist instead.  So I'm not sure I'd call it straight forward, but it is possible if you know a little XML.  Other skins may handle those things a different way.

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Custom Widgets Help - Recently Added and In Progress0