Kodi Library messed up after Raspbian Central DB switched IP
Hi all.

I have been using my Central DB for quite some time. 

Recently my Raspbian changed it's IP out of the blue and then both my Kodi instances stopped working.

I changed the IP to the proper (the new one) in the advancedsettings.xml and rebooted Kodi, but to no avail.

So now I have dropped the DB from Debian and is restructuring it all over again..

If this happens again, does anyone know the proper way (instead of recreating the DB all over) of restoring everything back to normal?
  • Should I clean the library and scan for new content?
  • Should I remove the my video sources, clean library and scan for content
  • Or what is the approach I could take?
In the logs it just wrote that it couldn't find the DB. Even after I updated the IP

Here's my log.

I know the proper approach would be to assign my Raspbian a static IP and I will do that in the future.
Fixating your IP for the RPi via your router is a much easier and quicker solution than fixing various database tables...

But if you must: have a look here: https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Update_Paths_In_MySQL
PS: this is an outdated wiki page
Thanks for the reply.

Yeah. Okay. That seems to be more troublesome than first assumed.

I just set up the static IP, I think.


#static ip setup
interface eth0

static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name=

I added the above lines to /etc/dhcpcd.conf about static adresses and rebooted. And hopefully it won't change it's IP in the future Wink

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Kodi Library messed up after Raspbian Central DB switched IP0