Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Fullscreen versus windowed
hi there,

old time xbox xbmc (xbmp and before, some might remember me ;)) user finally returning to xbmc in its windows incarnation -- retired the xbox1 couple years ago because of its lack of HD playback capabilities and been wishing for something similar ever since...

anyway just found out about the windows port and had to try it right away (used the installed version from another thread), and I do have a question regarding the windowed vs fullscreen mode of xbmc: the docs lead me to believe that the gui would run windowed unless -fs param is used. This seems to work when the resolution is set to auto, but when I specify a resolution (1920x1080 for example) it always goes into fullscreen mode.

So is there any way to get a higher res (would like it to be pretty much maximized but not fullscreened)?

something else that would be really cool for the current state: the possibility of specifying an external movie playback app (like mpc which I need for smooth playback of 1080p material) that could easily be used until internal playback works perfectly.

regards and props for the win32 port,


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