Advanced Launcher Mame Rom scraper issue
Hi, first up, thanks for this great add-on.

I have Mame up and running and all is good except I simply can't get Thumbnail images to appear unless I manually right click on every rom and direct it to my flyers dir, then the image appears but the others stay blank. I have tried scraping using multiple options on Gamesdb, Arcade etc but it goes through the process but no art at all.

Am I missing something or shall I provide more info?

Thanks in advance.
If you have the artwork in the correct directory then open the context menu of the Launcher, Edit Launcher, Manage ROMs, Scan ROMs local artwork.

In case of trouble open the Launcher context menu, View Launcher, View Launcher assets report. In the report you will see if AEL correctly picked the assets or not. Also, in View Launcher, View launcher data, make sure that the artwork directories of the ROMs (path_title, path_snap, etc.) point to the correct directories.

Finally, if you are using MAME I strongly recommend you try Advanced MAME Launcher Big Grin
Thanks for the reply Big Grin

Ah I use Jarvis and it says dependencies....python... Sad
(2018-09-03, 21:50)steve11 Wrote: Thanks for the reply Big Grin

Ah I use Jarvis and it says dependencies....python... Sad
The Advanced Launchers require Krypton or Leia to run. Time for an upgrade Smile

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