Preview version of serverwmc for Kodi18
If the PR ( for pvr.wmc goes through for the Kodi18 streams fix, it needs to be run with a new Preview version of serverwmc that I just released (1251).  So please test with this. 

Also, if you are running the Kodi18, 64b version in windows, you can download pvr.wmc from the link below and not have to wait for the PR:
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Hey Krusty,
Trying to get your pre-compiled 2.4.0 working, with Beta 2 (I should have tried Beta 1 before I updated, and will do shortly) but not having much success so far.

ERROR: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load "C:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\pvr.wmc\pvr.wmc.dll" with error 126: "The specified module could not be found."

I'll keep cracking away and can post a full log if needed.

Thanks again for your efforts.

p.s. ServerWMC 1251 seems to be working fine so far. Considering that is the topic of the thread.
Thanks for trying to test.  It looks like kodi couldn't find the dll, so maybe it is just a problem with where you hand installed it.  I do this by dropping the pvr.wmc directory into %appdata%\kodi\addons.  Then when kodi starts it loads the addon from there, rather than its install directory.

You may not want to bother though.  It looks like my changes are going to get merged into kodi today.  I'll keep you posted.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
FYI: The changes to pvr.wmc were accepted (thanks @ksooo ).
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
I did the same, except just dropped the files, not the whole folder.
Anyway, exciting the PR has been accepted.  Should that mean it will be in the latest nightlies?

Just tried latest nightly (dated 2018-Sep-11 03:44) on my work PC, still says 2.3.3 unfortunately.. Maybe tomorrow.
Yes, it should be in the nightlies.  If not tomorrow, at least I would think by Thursday.  The version of the fix is 2.4.0.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Is your Kodi installed in Program Files, or Program Files (x86)?
Program Files, so 64b kodi18
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Yeah same here. 64bit Kodi in Program Files. Strange.
Have just downloaded the latest available nightly (KodiSetup-20180911-ae396e22-master-x64.exe) and can confirm 2.4.0 is in. So far in very very limited testing, it seems to be working just fine. Timeshifting is working again. Will give thorough test when I can kick the kids off Netflix.

Nice work Krusty, many thanks once again.

@Drexyl  thanks for letting us know!
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
I have just updated to Kodi 18 RC5.2 running the 2.4.4 WMC Client and 1255 for the server. The client is running on a Windows 7. I had no issues before the change but after the update I notice a lot of micro skips or freezing on both live and recorded shows. After doing some research it looks like the Kodi core PVR functionality was changes and the buffers were removed and buffering is now the clients responsibility. Not sure if that is the issue here. Any way to get this fixed?


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Preview version of serverwmc for Kodi180