Req NFO file fanart location not relative
Hi all,

For certain titles, I prefer to use NFO files in the same location as the ISO file. I also keep the cover art and fan art in the same location as the ISO file as well. In the NFO file, the cover art is done with the <thumb aspect="poster" preview="...">...</thumb> tag. That tag allows relative location. So i don't have to specify the full path. I can just use the file name of the image since it's in the same location as the NFO and ISO files. However, for the fan arts that uses the <fanart><thumb preview="...">...</thumb></fanart> tags, I have to specify the full path even if the file is located in the same location as the NFO and ISO files. This prevents me from moving them to another location if needed without having to edit the NFO file to change the fan art's path. If I need to move a bunch of them, that becomes very tedious to edit the NFO files. Same goes with the thumb tags in the <Actor> tag. Is it possible to make them all behave the same way, being able to use both relative and absolute locations?

If you have local artwork, and it is saved in the correct location, there does not need to be a reference to them in the NFO File.

Kodi always searches for correctly named artwork sitting next to the video file and it does not need guidance from the NFO File to do that.

If you have no local artwork then, yes, artwork links in the NFO File are required so they can be found online.
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If I don't specify the fan art in the NFO file, it won't automatically use it (i.e. when the title is highlighted, the fan art shows in the background). If I go into the Information page and click on choose fanart, I see it in the list of available fanarts. This is for the <fanart> tag, not for the <art> tag which is only used on export.
Ah, I just checked with WIKI and it looks like I do not have the correct naming convention for the fanart. So how should the fanart naming convention be for multiple fanarts?
(2018-09-23, 22:07)GAMacky Wrote: If I don't specify the fan art in the NFO file, it won't automatically use it
That is most likely due to the item being incorrectly named and/or saved in the wrong location.
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(2018-09-23, 22:10)GAMacky Wrote: So how should the fanart naming convention be for multiple fanarts?
Look at ExtraFanart on that same wiki page. Needs its own folder and you need a skin that supports the use of extrafanart.

You might want to also look at Artwork Beef to register all your extended artwork in Kodi. Not sure how you currently apply artwork like clearlogo, clearart, banner, disc etc...
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Found it in the WIKI as well. It's a lot further down in the page. However, I still would prefer to have relative location in those tags if possible. I would imagine that the full path is stored in the database instead of the relative even if it finds it in the local location, correct?
(2018-09-23, 22:16)GAMacky Wrote: I still would prefer to have relative location in those tags
Don't hold your breath. It will be a redundant option that no developer will look at as there is no issue with the current implementation. More important things to do.

What are you trying to achieve? Why is it so important that a relative path is used?
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I'm in the process of moving about 100 files to a NAS and I have to edit the NFO's one by one.
Well, all I can say is that you are wasting your time using your current method.

Kodi does not need a pointer in the NFO file to find artwork.
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I'm just hoping that you guys use reusable code to call the same code for cover art, fanart, and all the other arts. So they all can use relative or absolute path.
Since I have to modify the NFO files, I'll go ahead and rename the fanarts to follow the naming convention.

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