2018-10-01, 00:57
This may be obvious, but is there a way to DVD/BluRay/UHD picture based subtitles rendered in the color that is specified in the stream?
Some disks are mastered with multi-colored subtitles. E.g.: one color for music lyrics, another for dialogue, another for incidentals like translating signs, etc. AnimEigo is big on this. Using the same MKV file, this works fine with software players like MPV on the mac, but on my kodi machine everything is black-and-white. I am running Kodi 17.6 on Vero 4k running OSMC release 2018.08-2.
--- Carl
Some disks are mastered with multi-colored subtitles. E.g.: one color for music lyrics, another for dialogue, another for incidentals like translating signs, etc. AnimEigo is big on this. Using the same MKV file, this works fine with software players like MPV on the mac, but on my kodi machine everything is black-and-white. I am running Kodi 17.6 on Vero 4k running OSMC release 2018.08-2.
--- Carl