Solved Cast bio
I am a new user coming over from popcorn hour. I really miss going to the cast page and seeing the bio for an actor. If I select the cast member I get a list of the movies I have with them, but no bio. Did I miss a setting.
There is no gravity,  Taxes suck.
biography is not available
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Choose a skin that supports this add-on and it will enable you to look up actor bio's...

Some skins that come to mind are Aeon Nox Silvo, Transparency!, Mimic, Phenomenal and many others.
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I take it confluence is not one of the skins, dang. It the only thing lacking. Great skin overall.
thanx for the quick replies.
I think confluence supports the add on, I will try that one
Xonfluence does support the add on
There is no gravity,  Taxes suck.
Great. I haven't used Xonfluence, so I had no idea.

I'll mark this solved.
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Thread marked solved.
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