Kody Retroplayer beta4: repo for the cores?
Hello guys!
Thank you again for all your job. I am going to share all your work within the "luccacomicsandgames 18" which ilike the most important fair of gaming in Europe...

Just a question: I have moved today to Retroplayer beta 4 (using the android installer). Everything works fine but... where I can fine the cores? I have read around that they should came with a repo but I cannot find anything.
Can you help me?
Thank you again!
Hi davidl77,

So glad to hear you're bringing our work to other people! Team Kodi is in the process of transitioning infrastructure. We need a way to tag releases on GitHub for our game add-ons. No biggie, but someone's gotta do it. Once that's done, cores are hosted on our repo servers and everything "just works".

If you know any python developers that want to contribute, this task is very straight-forward.

FYI, the "just works" part happens because we have "just in time" installation. When you play a game, Kodi shows the compatible add-ons in the repo. When you select a add-on, Kodi downloads it, installs it, configures it, and uses it to launch the game. No effort between selecting a game and playing it. In the future, we even hide this add-on selection dialog.

RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I'd love to contribute. Not a python wiz but I understand a bit of it. If you could point me in the right direction, I can work on this.

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Kody Retroplayer beta4: repo for the cores?0