Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
UPnP, MySQL, Docker, Headless - Guide?
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a decent guide for setting up Kodi-headless in a Docker container?

I'm trying to get it set up as a library updater / UPnP server, which I'd then access via my Android TV box (Nvidia Shield TV)

The goal is to have it update a MariaDB database, share the content via UPnP and update itself in the background whenever Radarr/Sonarr downloads something.

I've tried the container from, but can't work out how to configure it. The Chorus interface is also a bit confusing - couldn't find the "Add files" option on there!

Thanks in advance.
Hey @lloydsmart any luck with this?

I am trying to do the same. From what I can tell, you are unable to add files from the web interface. You need put the sources.xml file from an another Kodi box in the same folder you placed the advancedsettings.xml.

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UPnP, MySQL, Docker, Headless - Guide?0