2 Library entries 1 DVD
I've been searching around the forum but have not found and answer. How do I create library entries for two separate movies that point to the same disc? The old 2 Films 1 Disc thing. I don't care if both links start the DVD menu and let me choose through that. Currently the DVDs are ripped in video.ts folders. I know I can MakeMKV them but there should be a better way than that. Tia
(2019-01-31, 20:09)Oli_Oops Wrote: I know I can MakeMKV them but there should be a better way than that. Tia
That is the better way Wink

You could use a Stream file for the second movie that points to the local file instead of an online location... Internet_video_and_audio_streams (wiki)
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2 Library entries 1 DVD0