Server Wmc Issue
Hi, I am experiencing a strange issue with severwmc.  I am using librelec 9.  The issue that I am having is with the PVR manager loading the channels.  I have noticed whenever I reboot the host machine that has serverwmc (latest version) PVR manager loads the timers, recordings and channels.  After a couple of reboots on the on the libreelec machines PVR manager only loads the timers and recordings, and the channels do not load.  (Unless I reboot my host machine). 

I have tried troubleshoooting, re installed serverwmc on the windows machine annd the librelec to no avail.  Any help would be greatly appreciatred
Also, I am trying to post the log but not really sure how to.
I think what is happening is (for some reason) the system is reporting your channels as DRM after it has been on for a while, rebooting your server fixes the problem - temporarily.  It might help to re-install your tuner drivers, but that's just a guess and that may require you to reconfigure wmc which would be a pain.  A workaround is to go to the 'Channels' tab in swmc and uncheck 'Hide DRM channels'.

It can't matter how many times you reboot your openelec machine(s), this is independent of the client.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Ok, thanks will give that a try and report back.
Thank you for the help that did work. Kinda strange , didn't have any issues then out of no where . Thank you so much for your reply and help.

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