Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[split] Arctic: Zephyr 2
This is in reference to the Arctic Zephyr zip provide a few pages back. I'm on Kodi 18 and my issue is with Trakt check marks/ticks disappearing. When I load my lists (TV Shows/Movies) all watched items are marked but if I enter into seasons or something else and then back out, all the marks disappear. The only way to bring them back is to exit the add-on and then re-enter. Is this an issue with Arctic Zephyr or something else? Is there a way to fix it so all check marks/ticks remain?
Please ask in the v1 thread for questions about v1:
Arctic Fuse 2 - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

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[split] Arctic: Zephyr 20