Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
V18: Central SQL-Database: "Viewed"-Filtering resets to "Zero" while browsing movies
I'm using multiple platforms (several Windows-PCs, several Android 6 and 7-Devices, Sony-Android7-TV), a central MariaDB-database on a Synology-NAS and several network-locations for my data. 

Ever since I went to Leia, starting with RC2, all Kodi-Installations sometimes show a weird behavior.
While browsing movies, which includes entering the movie-information-page and returning to the list, entering a movie-set and returning to the list and switching the "viewed"-status of movies, the GUI switches to "zero" viewed movies and displays all movies, independent of the "viewed"-filter. 
The Database-Stats still show the correct numbers of viewed/unviewed entries, but the lists show all movies as unviewed. 
This stays until I quit and restart Kodi or enter a different section (TV-Shows, Music...) and go back to movies. 

I have not found out of this is triggered by a certain action or if it's completely random. 

Any ideas?

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V18: Central SQL-Database: "Viewed"-Filtering resets to "Zero" while browsing movies0