Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Netflix and spotify and belgium TV inside kodi
Is there already a way to have kodi librarie include :
- netflix inside (i have premium account)
- spotify premium inside
- belgium cable (or app to stream)

i prefer to autopopulate the library, so kodi shows the tile, then either play it from netflix or my nas
(2019-07-20, 10:45)Skank Wrote: Is there already a way to have kodi librarie include :
- netflix inside (i have premium account)
- spotify premium inside
- belgium cable (or app to stream)

i prefer to autopopulate the library, so kodi shows the tile, then either play it from netflix or my nas

There is a netflix addon
There is an addon in the kodi library called retrospect which plays several Belgium and Dutch tv stations. Another addon is called only for vrt
There is an addon in the kodi library called yelo to play telenet channels but you need a telenet account

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