Library Auto update crashes KODI sontantly since start of August
I have 3 fire TV boxes with KODI on each and each with library auto update. Been fine for months no issues but for the last few days every time the video library update runs it crashes KODI, possibly something to do with theTV DB but not sure. 

Anyone else see this and have any ideas on how to fix?
The TVDB people updated their database API and it broke the scraper (which is causing Kodi to crash).

See the first post in the link below for more details and temporary work-arounds. They have rolled back these changes, but it may take a little while for those to propagate around the net.
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(2019-08-03, 16:04)DarrenHill Wrote: The TVDB people updated their database API and it broke the scraper (which is causing Kodi to crash).

See the first post in the link below for more details and temporary work-arounds. They have rolled back these changes, but it may take a little while for those to propagate around the net.


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Library Auto update crashes KODI sontantly since start of August0