Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Restore backup from different OS?
I am learning Kodi more and more, but the setup on a new system can be cumbersome. I would like to get a setup how I like it and then use that backup to restore a new setup on a different machine.

My question is does this work, say one is on Win 10 and the other is Android, or even kodi on win 10 to coreelec on an Odroid.

Are these possible?
Most of the Kodi profile folder could be restored, I guess. Apart from any binary add-ons and the guisettings.xml file.
File paths/locations using Windows drive letters are of course useless on any Linux system.
(2019-09-05, 22:57)Klojum Wrote: Most of the Kodi profile folder could be restored, I guess. Apart from any binary add-ons and the guisettings.xml file.
File paths/locations using Windows drive letters are of course useless on any Linux system.
Thats true, thanks I will probably just do them on their own I suppose.

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Restore backup from different OS?0