Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Keep library - with completely new storage system

I'm moving all my media from local server, to my Google Drive instead.
I'm using the Google Drive plugin to create strm files for my media.

Now... I would like to keep my library with all the watch status, and custom collections i've created, but pointing to the new location.

I'm using a shared mysql database.

currently the files are located at smb localserver/movies/MOVIEFOLDER/FILE.MKV
And they will be smb
(i'm using smb local share, because i'm using shared mysql database on both Windows and Linux clients)

Is this possible to do?

Best regards, Dennis.
Kodi is the best HTPC software i know.
I've been using it since Dharma<3

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Keep library - with completely new storage system0