Need Help with Radio Button
I am trying to theme the aeon.nox.sylvo skin (current version). I have 3 or 4 moving animations going across the screen via the Home.xml file. I have them all working as I want them too, set up in a group (I think lol).

What I would like to do, is put a radio button in the skin to toggle them off/on. (I can handle the skin part, just not sure the code I would need to use for the switch).

I am very new to skinning and the Skinning Guide is pretty vague with little to no examples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PSMC v21/Kodi v21 with goodies from the PSMC Collection / Using on PC's, Nvidea Shields, and other Android TV Boxes
something like this SkinSettings
<control type="radiobutton" id="708">
                    <label>Category Label</label>
home.xml  in the group
(2019-10-29, 14:42)the_other_guy Wrote: something like this SkinSettings
<control type="radiobutton" id="708">
                    <label>Category Label</label>
home.xml  in the group
I really appreciate your reply, thank you. I tinkered with it off and on all day yesterday (I was under the weather and brain was cloudy.. haha), but I finally got it working well. Thank you very much.

I have two more things to tackle if you might know how to do it. The main one is I am wanting to force the skin's main menu layout to one rather than five.

The second one is have the system menu bar at the top by default, I have been able to do this by moving its position, but can't find a way to default it up there.
PSMC v21/Kodi v21 with goodies from the PSMC Collection / Using on PC's, Nvidea Shields, and other Android TV Boxes
for the menu i t may be best to ask in the skin forumit may be near menu items
                        <property name="menu_id">$LOCALIZE[31000]</property>
                        <property name="id">myhome</property>

the only skin i have modded is esyuary
@the_other_guy Yeah, I think you are right, I posted in sylvo skin thread, maybe I will get an answer there. Other than that, I am getting close to being finished I believe. I am actually doing a few themes for my grandson (5 yrs old) and adding the animations to them. I been fooling with Kodi/XBMC forever and seems no one has ever done much with the sylvo skin and animations. I am currently working on a batman, toy story, spiderman, super mario, superman, and scooby-doo theme. Maybe when I get them done I will put them in my repoHuh

Again, thank you very much for you help.
PSMC v21/Kodi v21 with goodies from the PSMC Collection / Using on PC's, Nvidea Shields, and other Android TV Boxes

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Need Help with Radio Button0