Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
SmartTV specifications to install Kodi as an App
I am using Kodi on a RaspPi with a non-smart-tv.
I will switch to a new TV and of course it is "smart" today.

I saw and read about that Kodi can be installed directly "into" a SmartTV as an App. Am I right?
I do not mean casting tricks with using a Smartphone or things like that. I mean a Kodi instance directly in the context of the SmartTV operating system without any other secondary diveces.

What are the needed specifications for the SmartTV to support Kodi? Which SmartTV operating system should it be? And where can I download the smart-tv Kodi app.
I think the easiest thing to do is look for a TV that has AndroidTV as it's core operating system and that also let's you load software from the GooglePlay store.  With that you'll just have to search for Kodi in the App Store and select it to install.

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SmartTV specifications to install Kodi as an App0