Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Intel G33 Express Chipset
Im thinking of buying this shuttle:

and it use the Intel G33 Express Chipset for the gfx part and i just wonder if someone has any experiance with this chipset and xbmc before i buy it.

Thanks in advance and for a great work on xbmc

It’s not bad but beware

I have one of these shuttle PC’s and for the most part they’re really good.
The model that I have is the SG33G5 but it still uses the same chipset.

The one thing that I noticed once I put the system together is that there is a jumper on the motherboards and you have to decide if you want to use the HDMI or the PCI express.

You cannot have the best of worlds, only one or the other.
I wanted to use the HDMI port to connect to my HDTV and use a Hauppauge HVR 1800 which is a PCIe card. I loaded the OS and I noticed that the card was not present.

After doing some troubleshooting I noticed that you have to set the jumper for one or the other. This was a bummer since I really wanted to use the HDMI. At the end of the day I went VGA instead because I really like the HVR 1800.

Hope this helps.

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