Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Android Can the clock function work when not connected to the internet?
I was wondering if the Android box I have Kodi 18 installed on, isn't connected to the internet, is it possible to retain the clock function of the Kodi player, which tells us how much time is left on the program we're watching, and what time the movie/show will finish? Thank you in advance.
Two things, I think:

- Does your Android 'box' have some type of battery system to retain system date/time functionality when the power is off?
- Internet access would be there for setting and updating the internal clock.
(2020-02-12, 10:15)Klojum Wrote: Two things, I think:

- Does your Android 'box' have some type of battery system to retain system date/time functionality when the power is off?
- Internet access would be there for setting and updating the internal clock.

Thanks for your reply, Klojum. My android box is a KDLinks A400, and I don't believe it has a battery system. Does the fact that there isn't any battery system in the hardware make it impossible to set up a temporary clock with Kodi, even if I leave the box plugged in all the time, and there's never any power failures? Thank you again for your help.
I don't know if you have an option for SSH'ing into the box, and setting the date/time manually. You would have to do that every time you start up or reboot the box.

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Can the clock function work when not connected to the internet?0