2020-02-25, 20:57
hello all,
This project is stopped It was just to learn a little bit the python language and the programmation. the communication between the client and the server is based on the CLI interface. Rather than exploring this path I shall turn to the cometd + json interface
But you can install it and run it, normally it should work as is
Even if I believe that very few people are concerned, I post my stuff for people who want to try an other addon for kodi.
This one displays on kodi TV, the information about the tracks playing from the LogitechMediaServer, a music server multiroom (formerly SqueezeCenter, SlimServer)
I wrote it for my need , if you want to try it ...
The install is easy : You download the zip file from the github repository, put it on the kodi station then in kodi you install it from the zip file like all the others addons.
Once installed there is no settings. So you have a logitechMediaServer and a player on your local network, it must work out of the box
I run it every day on my LibreElec on raspberry pi3 and on my kodi linux pc. I don't have any idea if it works on Kodi Windows.
the addon can be dowload from : https://github.com/sitronet/script.kodijivelette
nice pleasure
keywords : Squeezebox , SqueezeCenter , Squeezer app, Logitechmediaserver , Slimproto , Slim controler, Squeezebox controler, jivelite, squeezelite , Xsqueeze , Squeezebox for kodi
This project is stopped It was just to learn a little bit the python language and the programmation. the communication between the client and the server is based on the CLI interface. Rather than exploring this path I shall turn to the cometd + json interface
But you can install it and run it, normally it should work as is
Even if I believe that very few people are concerned, I post my stuff for people who want to try an other addon for kodi.
This one displays on kodi TV, the information about the tracks playing from the LogitechMediaServer, a music server multiroom (formerly SqueezeCenter, SlimServer)
I wrote it for my need , if you want to try it ...
The install is easy : You download the zip file from the github repository, put it on the kodi station then in kodi you install it from the zip file like all the others addons.
Once installed there is no settings. So you have a logitechMediaServer and a player on your local network, it must work out of the box
I run it every day on my LibreElec on raspberry pi3 and on my kodi linux pc. I don't have any idea if it works on Kodi Windows.
the addon can be dowload from : https://github.com/sitronet/script.kodijivelette
nice pleasure
keywords : Squeezebox , SqueezeCenter , Squeezer app, Logitechmediaserver , Slimproto , Slim controler, Squeezebox controler, jivelite, squeezelite , Xsqueeze , Squeezebox for kodi