2020-02-29, 16:33
Hi, everyone.
I like KODI very much.
But it seems that external subtitle file(*.ass) resizing is not supported.(ver 18.5)
I have to modify *.ass file to change font-size.
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour,
Style: Default,FZHei-B01,24,&H00FFFFFF,
or change ScaleX, ScaleY in *.ass file.
The item ScaleX, ScaleY is zoom of fontsize percentage,
So I sincerely hope KODI can support the dynamic change of subtitle zoom in the setting menu for ass file.
I like KODI very much.
But it seems that external subtitle file(*.ass) resizing is not supported.(ver 18.5)
I have to modify *.ass file to change font-size.
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour,
Style: Default,FZHei-B01,24,&H00FFFFFF,
or change ScaleX, ScaleY in *.ass file.
The item ScaleX, ScaleY is zoom of fontsize percentage,
So I sincerely hope KODI can support the dynamic change of subtitle zoom in the setting menu for ass file.