Categories in the default skin went missing? how to get them back
some how under movies and TV show the categories went missing

here is example of what i'm talking about.

Please don't duplicate messages across the forum.

From your screen shot it looks like you have the category widget showing. You've highlighted the setting icon, so I'll infer that you want toggle categories on/off settings>system>interface>skin>configure skin>main menu items>categories {toggle} or edit the categories if you have node editor available. Or have I miss-read your post?
that is not my screenshot, just something I found on google to illustrate that i'm talking about

the categories right on top is missing on my Kodi, but only in movies and TV shows.

edit: sorry about double post, i posted under general first, then I realize there is a separate skin forum
You probably have this disabled

flipping the toggle on and off has no effect.

In what file are the "skin" settings kept? if I remove it, would it recreate it?
I have the same problem. The movies categories on the main page just went missing. It*s not there anymore. I have the category widget enabled in the skin settings
sounds like the \library files have gone
\library\music \library\video
i think addon library node editor can repair them

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Categories in the default skin went missing? how to get them back0