Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
DVD wont play
I did search, but I am so far behind knowing the current status of xbmc for windows I couldnt tell if this was my problem or well known.

I am very familar with xbmc for xbox. I installed 14125 on a vista machine. Everything seems to work except it wont play my ripped dvds (.vob format). When I click on them it seems to do nothing. If I click movie info, and play, still nothing. It will play the trailers. I know I am not giving much (any) info to go on here. Wondering if this should work or if there are known issues. If it should work, what info should I provide to help figure out why it is not.
I have vista 64 bit, and on 14125 I cant watch any ripped dvds. I think it might be fixed in the next build, or you could go back to the previous one, that build played dvds fine. The previous build was 13859
It is mentioned in the actual release thread at the top of the page.
I know with xbmc for xbox, there are "stable" builds and then cutting edge releases. Is there such a thing for the windows version?
No, It's under development yet so there are no stable versions yet

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