Video filters and savegames

About save games and video filters Smile

I've been reading the forums and found that savegames were in development but then dropped, here:

And found this in Kodi's guide saying "Save states are created similar to bookmarks, allowing for quick browsing of the game's play history" (I guess it's outdated):

Actually, are savegames going to be added to Retroplayer? I mean the ability to save and load states ingame and keep different savestates beyond the actual save on exit feature.

And about filters, I see they are been tested on Windows. Do you reckon that they will be ported to Android too?

Thanks Smile
You're in luck. GSoC 2017 added video filters for windows, GSoC 2018 added video filters for Linux (incomplete), and GSoC 2020 added a saved games manager. Completion of these features has never been closer!

The features will be merged to master on a "when it's done" basis. Until then, I include GSoC 2017 windows shaders and the GSoC 2020 saved game manager in my test builds:
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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