Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Lyric of other languages didn't show in some skins

I really appreciate this add-on. It works well in most skins. However, in some skins such as ACE 2 and AEON NOX:SILVO, the lyric of other languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean didn't show.

The font of skin I use is Arial and language of regional I have tried to use is English and Chinese. I have also tried seberal character sets.

I would like to know this issue is because of this add-on or the skin and how to fix it.

Thanks everyone in advance for your kindly reply and help.
I had been thinking about this and didn't have an answer, but just realized now what the problem is.

Aeon Nox Silvio (the one I checked) uses a unique font to display song lyrics.  Not arial unfortunately.  (For this skin it is gnyrwn975.ttf in the skin's font folder.)  Taking a quick look at that font, it appears to only cover western Europe, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts.

scott s.

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Lyric of other languages didn't show in some skins0