Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Adding a thin horizontal (separator) line?
i'm trying to figure out a way to add a thin / light horizontal line in between the large movie title and the info that's underneath it (year | rating | length | end time)...


this code gives me the exact line i want, prob is i can't get it to align properly in between the information mentioned above...

<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="main_fg_12">diffuse/progress-bg.png</texture>

i tried adding it to this section of the existing code, and played around with $param[pad], height, aligny, etc. but couldn't get it to work:

<include name="Object_Info_Title">
<param name="label" default="$INFO[ListItem.Label]" />
<param name="font" default="font_title_large" />
<param name="titleheight" default="150" />
<param name="textcolor" default="main_fg_70" />
<control type="label">

EDIT - solved... i ended up adding a blank label below the separator line which allowed me to space the the distance between the line and label below it, probably not the most elegant solution but it seems to work...




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Adding a thin horizontal (separator) line?0