Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is there any WORKING way to speed up 24p to 25p?
"Sync Playback to Display" isn't working since Kodi v18.2.
So is there any other way to speed up 24p (23.976 or 24.000) to 25p?
This question is so vague....I guess noone is able to help.

First question from my side (next to others) might be, why you are in need of "sync playback to display" at all. Most common TVs are able to switch to the specific fps if you enable that specific setting as most TVs are capable of 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.97, 60 or whatever fps. So...why are you not using that? Is your TV capable of those fps and if not, which TV is that then?

I would recommend to provide a logfile which shows your problem that "Sync playback to display" is not working. I guess we should see some stuttering probably. But we also would see which hardware you are using, which Kodi version is in use, which files you are playing and so on....

Without that log, we can't help

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Is there any WORKING way to speed up 24p to 25p?0