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IR remote config differences between krypton and leia?
I'm upgrading my setup from krypton to leia, I built a whole new box, fresh's looking really good. I figured I could just plug the same IR receiver into the new box, copy over my custom keymaps/remote.xml, and everything should behave the same as before....but no, a bunch of my remote buttons are not being mapped correctly. Is this expected?  I'm not super excited to go through and remap all the keys, as it seems like I must just be missing/forgetting something. My old krypton install was openelec, and my new leia is just straight kodi on raspberrypios...I'm not sure if that would make a difference. Anyone have any ideas what's going on here?
Ooookay wow...I guess openelec did take care of a whole bunch of lirc setup that I've never had to do before. That was quite a trip and a learning experience, but it's all working now! Smile
Just to mention it. There's no Krypton or Leia Version of OpenELEC
(2020-07-11, 10:10)DaVu Wrote: Just to mention it. There's no Krypton or Leia Version of OpenELEC

There is no Leia version of openelec, but openelec8 has krypton
ah, true. 

Anyway. OpenELEC is completely outdated, not supported and not even maintained anymore. Even that Krypton version has many unfixed bugs. So I would recommend to use the successor (LibreELEC) as OpenELEC is not supported in here anymore.
Yes, as I said I moved away from openelec...I didn't want to go to libreelec because I'm kinda sick of running a castrated OS - I find it's too restrictive that's why I did the full install on raspbian

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IR remote config differences between krypton and leia?0