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Kodi keeps switching my system to wrong HDMI input
Hi all.

This happens with both Kodi and an Nvidia Shield, so I have a feeling that the blame lies with my NAD receiver. But to troubleshoot it, I need to know how these devices address CEC commands.

I have all sources going into my receiver, which then feeds a projector. Both Kodi and the Shield, by default, tell the "TV" to switch to them as the active source when they're turned on. In my case, my projector erroneously gets switched to a secondary (unused) HDMI input instead of simply having the receiver switch to the correct input.

It seems to me that the receiver should not be passing this input-change command to the projector, but instead be the final consumer of it. Is that a reasonable expectation?

Thanks for any insight.
(2020-07-15, 18:36)Stokestack Wrote: Hi all.

This happens with both Kodi and an Nvidia Shield, so I have a feeling that the blame lies with my NAD receiver. But to troubleshoot it, I need to know how these devices address CEC commands.

I have all sources going into my receiver, which then feeds a projector. Both Kodi and the Shield, by default, tell the "TV" to switch to them as the active source when they're turned on. In my case, my projector erroneously gets switched to a secondary (unused) HDMI input instead of simply having the receiver switch to the correct input.

It seems to me that the receiver should not be passing this input-change command to the projector, but instead be the final consumer of it. Is that a reasonable expectation?

Thanks for any insight.
All I can write is that I have a Sony and CEC is kind of flaky.  it will randomly turn on the receiver.  But it does seem odd that the projector would switch away from the HDMI that has CEC active on it.  I don't use the CEC, but on my AVR it has to be active to get ARC audio from the TV apps.  I prefer a Harmony remote that will setup each component as an "activity change".

scott s.
Thanks for the reply.

I don't know how a device identifies the target device for a CEC command, if indeed it does. The receiver identifies itself as a display device, because it can be queried for resolutions. But of course the projector is also in the network; so I wonder if it's even possible for the receiver to prevent the improper "switch to input 2" message from getting to the projector.

I guess the simplest solution is to turn CEC off on the projector, but that kinda sucks because I'd like it go off and save the bulb if the other devices time out.

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Kodi keeps switching my system to wrong HDMI input0