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Samsung Tizen?
is it not possible to develop kodi to samsung tv with os: tizen

using tizen studio?
(2020-07-19, 23:07)Failip420 Wrote: is it not possible to develop kodi to samsung tv with os: tizen

It's likely possible to develop in Tizen, but the bigger problem is that, at this time, we simply do not have the resources to add another OS to our workload.
(2020-07-20, 01:27)Klojum Wrote:
(2020-07-19, 23:07)Failip420 Wrote: is it not possible to develop kodi to samsung tv with os: tizen

It's likely possible to develop in Tizen, but the bigger problem is that, at this time, we simply do not have the resources to add another OS to our workload.
oh okay Smile
And even if. If you read through different forums how many ppl do have problems with Android based TVs and Kodi installed on them, I have at least a little doubt that Kodi will work properly on those TVs. Not saying that those TVs are bad, just saying that those Sony Android TVs are pretty good as well but Kodi still has problems on them which is mostly the cause that the Android version Sony is using is somewhat patched

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