Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
eHOME Receiver
Trying to get my MICROXP install up and running, but having a problem installing drivers for the subject item. I downloaded the Alternate Media Center Remote driver from another site forum, but I cannot get it to go in right. I am supposed to click on the .BAT file, but get a DEVCON Update error. Anyway, if anyone has experience getting a certified for Vista MCE Remote working on XP with SP3, let me know. The version of MicroXP I have has SP3 slipstreamed into it. I obviously have the XP Media Center original CD's and license, and wonder if anyone knows how to get it working off that maybe?

Other than the remote driver, the XBMC install on this MICROXP version is great so far.

O.K.. Here is a little more information...

Remote is this one. Purchased off NewEgg with the understanding it was a VISTA remote. However, when I realized it was supported in Linux, I figured maybe someone has a driver for XP as it may be a popular remote for some XBMCers. If anyone has any suggestions in getting it to work with XP/SP3, please let me know. If I need to go out and buy another one, I can do that, but would welcome suggestions this time around! Thanks all!
Big Grin
Using the regular default Windows driver I have successfully been using LM Remote KeyMap ( as it supports the native MCE remote. I can't guarantee it will work with the one you describe but if it's MCe certified I would imagine them to behave the same.

Just something to try I suppose...
Get irusb.in_ and irusb.sy_ from the i386-folder on your XP CD, use "expand" so you get an .inf and a .sys file.
Edit the .inf (put your vid/pid in it, check device manager for these).
Use the modified .inf to install your ehome.
Install IR Server Suite.
In the Configuration, check receive-box next to MCE Remote.
Go in the configuration of the MCE Remote. In the Remote-tab, disable 'Automatic MCE Functions' or something like that.

Tadaa, you're done. Smile

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