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Problem RPi+Kodi+browser
Please advise, I am solving this problem:
I have RPI4B with KODI 18.7 (not LibreElec) and I'm trying to break up opening Chromium or another browser in Kodi. I've found that there are add-ons that open the Raspbian browser. I've tried the add-ons I've found, and the problem is still that the add-on reports that the browser didn't find it. Does anyone have experience? Does anyone have a tried and tested functional solution?
On Raspbian/ RaspiOS, not going into much detail, the way it is compiled, which is for the best performance on the RPi, Kodi always stays on top. It is possible that you are launching Chromium on the background, but you can't see it until you exit Kodi. That's how it works on the RPi. You have to close Kodi to access the "desktop" and Chromium browser.
The Raspbian name is EOL, it's "Raspberry Pi OS" now.

The only option currently for a web browser "inside" Kodi is in the Intel 86-64 generic build of LibrELEC.
There is no such option on the RPi4B, because of the display techniques applied by Kodi on the RPi4B.
(2020-09-20, 06:25)Klojum Wrote: The Raspbian name is EOL, it's "Raspberry Pi OS" now.

The only option currently for a web browser "inside" Kodi is in the Intel 86-64 generic build of LibrELEC.
There is no such option on the RPi4B, because of the display techniques applied by Kodi on the RPi4B.
Thank you for the info. And please, is there any add-on that could open a browser from RPiOS and display a window via Kodi when Kodi is running?
(2020-09-20, 21:13)Neoka Wrote: And please, is there any add-on that could open a browser from RPiOS and display a window via Kodi when Kodi is running?

Not that I know of. As already outlined, you'll need to treat Kodi and any other application as totally separate applications.

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Problem RPi+Kodi+browser0