Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v18 TV Shows screen has lost most of it's items
[align=start]I made the mistake of letting my kids play with Kodi today, and somehow the main screen is messed up.  The Movies screen looks fine (with In progress, Recently added, etc), but the TV Shows screen is missing virtually everything – all the eye candy, In progress, etc is gone, and the only things that are being displayed are the icons for Genres and Studios.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]I’m using the Estuary theme, and Kodi is running on Windows 10.  I looked in the Config section and couldn’t find anything related to my problem, and I went as far as updating from 18.5 to 18.9, and that didn’t fix it either.[/align]
[align=start] [/align]
[align=start]Any idea on how to reset my TV Shows menu so that it displays the proper info? Below is all I see now.
Oh, I should also point out that I have Categories turned off in the skin on purpose, so I know why those aren't appearing. And I apologise for the [align=start] [/align] in the above, not sure how they got there.
Just to confirm: you've checked the categories are edited?

Settings > Interface > Skin > Configure skin > Skin settings > Main menu items > TV shows - Edit categories > TV shows

Should look like this:

I logged into my system last night and every single video (thousands of them) was marked as viewed.  I wound up restoring a backup from 11/13 and things are back to normal. Don't know what caused all this, but thankful I have backups.
Sounds like you need to make some profiles.

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TV Shows screen has lost most of it's items0