Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Move/rename directories without losing the progress
Hi everyone!

I have a couple of SMB shares from my NAS mounted on my Kodi (Rasperry Pi 2). Now I want to move/rename some directories in these shares, but when I do that then Kodi recognises the content of these directories as new content and I lose the watch status as well as the resume positions of all video files inside the (sub)directories.
Does anyone have an idea how I can move/rename a directory without losing the progress? I have really tried hard to find a similar question in this forum, but I haven't found one. I know that can be used to backup the watched status, but I would rather not rely on an external tool for that. Is there a "native" way?

Some more information: My Kodi Database is stored in a shared MySQL database and I do not use a movie library in Kodi. I browse the directories directly.
The current handling of files/folders moving has unfortunately not yet been made more user-friendly, due to the current database schemas. The whole database could use a total overhaul, but that's not on the agenda yet. You could start with making a proper SQL backup of your MySQL database(s), video and/or music.

For now, the best option would be to do a Video Library Export (selecting separate files and fanart is recommended), so that .nfo files are created next to each video. You'll first need to activate two tags in the advancedsettings.xml file for watched statuses and resume points to be included in the nfo files.

Then you can move your media folders/files around. When all of that is done, you can remove the current database(s), restart Kodi so fresh databases are created, re-activate your source(s), and rescrape your media collection. With the nfo files things should go pretty quickly.

Additionally, you could delete/rename the Textures13.db and delete the Thumbnails folder, as the thumbs for the moved content will no longer be valid.
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. It's not an easy way, but at least there is a way. I'll give it a try.

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Move/rename directories without losing the progress0