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Solved How to specifiy a local image for a TV Show Actor?
I have read through and learned from the Wiki on how to have custom artwork for TV shows, especially ones that I have created. For example, I have created a catch-all "TV Show" titled Documentaries for all of the Documentaries in my library. When I go to the information page for for it, it properly shows the information in the the nfo file. However, I have not been able to figure out how to add custom "artwork" or "photographs" for the actors in the show. Is it possible to specify a local image, ie one on my media server, for an actor and have it used on this screen? I have read through the Artwork wiki, and it does not discuss this.

Thank you for your time,

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Create an .actors folder as shown in the image...

Add your image with the actors name. If the actor is Hugh Jackman, the image is named Hugh_Jackman.jpg
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(2021-02-04, 20:56)Karellen Wrote: Create an .actors folder as shown in the image...

Add your image with the actors name. If the actor is Hugh Jackman, the image is named Hugh_Jackman.jpg

Thank you again @Karellen. That did it. I looked at that page several times before posting, and I missed it. I truly do appreciate your time and help. I have marked this as solved.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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How to specifiy a local image for a TV Show Actor?0