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Internet and TV are delivered me with fibre cable - newbie question

Sorry if there are language errors in my post. English is a second language for me.
I will be very glead for any comments or advise if I can use Kodi in my situation.
Actiually I have the following installation:
   fiber                                 Eth                                                     Eth                               HDMI
>---------[ fiber receiver ]--------------[ modem/router (4xRJ45) ]--------------[ TV decoder ]-----------[ TV set ]

My TV set has 2 HDMI sockets and with the TV pilot I can select HDMI1 or HDMI2.
As I mentioned on the scheme modem has 4 RJ45. 3 of them in use, one connects
modem with fiber receiver, second connects it with TV decoder and third connects
it with home LAN to have accesses to Internet on computers in other rooms.
The fourth RJ45 is free. I can install Kodi on a PC, install other software if needed.
I can connect it to this free RJ45 with Ethernet cable and to TV set with HDMI cable
because HDMI2 socket is free. My question is:
If I do all needed installations and configurations will I be able to browse TV channels
and make things that Kodi offers?
Any additional advise?
Quote:If I do all needed installations and configurations will I be able to browse TV channels
and make things that Kodi offers?

Kodi doesn't offer any content.

That being said you should plug into the router, not directly into the line coming in. I don't know about fiber tv but any network based device should be behind the router, not before it.
jmgibson1981 thank you for your answer.
The device I named modem/router is a router and is a gate in my LAN. There is no another router.
There is a switch in another room and computers connected to that switch that's all.
I understand that kodi doesn't offer any content. What I want is the possibility to record content I am
interested in, make collections of music, films and play that on TV. I think there is no mater what cable
is used to deliver signal it may be coaxial or fiber.
On the site about possible tuner cards there are three thinks: internal TV tuner card, USB tuner dongle
and a network attached tuner card. On the rear wall of last I see three sockets coaxial on the left,
RJ45 on right and in the middle I don't know may be it's HDMI but I'm not sure.
Unfortunately there is very few information about how thinks work.
Have you used network attached tuner card with Kodi?
I apologize. I misunderstood your diagram. It will work fine I think the way you have it.

I use HD Homerun network tuners for my OTA PVR with Mythtv as the backend on my server. Works perfectly well. I'm not sure how it will do with Cable / fiber though. It depends on what you intend to run as the backend. In my case with Linux it was a no brainer to use Mythtv + network tuners. The software is available in Ubuntu easy enough and the network tuner means no drivers to mess with.
(2021-02-09, 07:27)jmgibson1981 Wrote: I apologize. I misunderstood your diagram. It will work fine I think the way you have it.

I use HD Homerun network tuners for my OTA PVR with Mythtv as the backend on my server. Works perfectly well. I'm not sure how it will do with Cable / fiber though. It depends on what you intend to run as the backend. In my case with Linux it was a no brainer to use Mythtv + network tuners. The software is available in Ubuntu easy enough and the network tuner means no drivers to mess with.

Thank you. I think I will start job today.

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Internet and TV are delivered me with fibre cable - newbie question0