Linux Advanced emulator Launcher alternative for Kodi 19
Hi everyone

I ugpraded my ubuntu media center to kodi 19. I used to have a retroarch shortcut made with  advanced emulator launcher to lauch games for my son directly from the Kodi menu...
But this addon doesn't work with Matrix. Do you know how could I make it work again? 
Thanks for any clue...
(2021-03-20, 20:03)copernic75 Wrote: Hi everyone

I ugpraded my ubuntu media center to kodi 19. I used to have a retroarch shortcut made with  advanced emulator launcher to lauch games for my son directly from the Kodi menu...
But this addon doesn't work with Matrix. Do you know how could I make it work again? 
Thanks for any clue...
@wintermute is still working on the official update to Kodi 19. In the meantime some users have ported the current version to python3 with some basic functionality. In other words, if your install was already up and running this will get games launched. But configuring through the UI doesn't work or scanning roms. You gotta manually hack the json.
Thanks a lot!
It seems to work ti add new laucher  to retroarch app...
AEL for Matrix is now in beta. Go to AEL thread for more info.
Thanks a lot... i'll give it a try

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Advanced emulator Launcher alternative for Kodi 190